Get to know our compassionate professionals!

Meet the dedicated professionals at MindSpa Wellness Clinic, where compassionate care meets expertise in mental health. Our team is comprised of seasoned professionals, including licensed therapists, psychiatrists, and specialists in various therapeutic modalities. Each member is committed to providing personalized and comprehensive support on your journey to well-being.

Meet Our Owner

Beth Harden is a dually Certified Psychiatric Mental Health and Adult/Gero NP, trained at UMass Medical School. She has experience in treating mood disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety, and addiction. She has a special interest in dual diagnosis. Beth’s practice is rooted in empathy, compassion, and evidence-based treatment modalities. She emphasizes Psychoeducation to help clients gain insight into their condition, embrace their strengths and overcome their challenges, to empower them to take charge of their wellness.

Beth provides medication management and alternative treatments for conditions like mood disorders, psychotic disorders, ADHD, impulse control disorders, and behavior symptoms related to neuropsychiatric conditions, such as Dementia, brain injuries, and intellectual/developmental disabilities.

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female psychiatrist smiling